Non-Independent Medical Education Grants and Donations
Our Commitment
As part of its commitment to saving lives and improving the quality of life for people with serious and rare conditions, CSL Behring provides funding to organizations involved in educational, health-related, scientific or medical activities, through Non-Independent Medical Education Grants and Donations.*(Dear Health Care Provider, Please be informed that for the foreseeable future, CSL Behring Canada has paused their funding program for Grants and Donations requests. We value contributing to Canadian initiatives that improve the lives of patients and will make it a priority to inform you when our status changes. For any inquiries, please contact us at Canada.FundingRequest@cslbehring.com)
The provision of funding or in-kind contributions to support healthcare in general, local communities, or other charitable and philanthropic activities. CSL Behring does not control or influence the support provided or acquire a tangible commercial or non-commercial benefit. A mere acknowledgement of a donation (i.e. use of a corporate logo) is not considered a tangible benefit to CSL Behring and is acceptable. Donations may be provided to not-for-profit organizations and registered charities involved in conducting activities such as artistic, charitable, cultural, community, educational, humanitarian, health, philanthropic and sporting endeavours. Donations may not be provided to private medical practices or clinics. Donations may be solicited or unsolicited.
Grant Requests (other than for Medical Education e.g. “Non-Independent Medical Education”)
The provision of funding to support independent bona-fide healthcare-related activities other than the ones undertaken for medical education purposes. CSL Behring does not control, influence or participate in the design or conduct of the activity or acquire a tangible commercial or non-commercial benefit from the funding. Non-Independent Medical Education Grants must be unsolicited.
Non-Commercial Benefit
Any benefit, except a tangible commercial benefit, that is provided to CSL Behring in exchange for funding. Examples include entry tickets to an event, an opportunity to build corporate reputation or recognition for CSL Behring, or prominent display on program materials of the CSL Behring name or corporate logo.
General Requirements
CSL Behring receives many requests for funding each year and unfortunately, we are unable to respond positively to all of them. Each request will be reviewed by an internal Committee on a case-by-case basis. CSL Behring reserves the right to decline any request for any reason.
CSL Behring accepts requests for funding throughout the year but requests should be submitted at least sixty (60) calendar days in advance of the activity, or the request may be declined due to time constraints.
A written notice of the funding decision will be provided to all requestors. For approved requests, CSL Behring will create a written agreement, to be signed by both parties, before funding will be provided.
The following criteria must be met for CSL Behring to consider a funding request:
- requests must align with a CSL Behring’s disease areas of focus
- funding may only be provided to Canadian organizations
- funding may only be provided for purposes considered ethical and legal
- funding must be proportionate to the activity being supported and cannot be perceived to be excessive
- funding must be transparent and be clearly acknowledged by the recipient
- CSL Behring prefers not to be the sole supporter of any request, but will consider it on a case-by-case basis
CSL Behring does not provide funding:
- as an incentive to prescribe, recommend, dispense, purchase, supply, approve, reimburse, or administer a CSL Behring product
- if it is to be used for or directed to a promotional purpose or as disguised promotion
- any recipient in an amount that creates a potential dependence of the recipient upon CSL Behring
- for activities that have already occurred or are in progress at the time of request
- for activities not associated with an identifiable program or that is not linked to an expense budget
- to any individual HCP or other stakeholder, or to an entity that is controlled by an individual stakeholder or its family member, legal representative or agent
- to support routine operational costs (including capital, lease or salary expenses) of private medical practices/clinics, academic societies, or professional organizations or associations
- for patient group activities for children under twelve (12) years of age
Funding Requests:
A complete application for non-independent medical education funding must include the following in order to be considered:
- a completed CSL Behring Non-Independent Medical Education Grants and Donations Request Form, outlining the rationale and clear objectives of the request
- the name and type of requestor
- the name, address, phone number and email of the requestor
- an itemized budget
- an agenda, brochure or overview of the event or activity for which funding is being requested, if applicable
- a copy of the requestor’s non-profit status (for Donations)
- letter of incorporation or other proof of constituency
- names of the Board of Directors
- a description of any tangible commercial or non-commercial benefits being offered to CSL Behring in connection with the funding (for Non-Independent Medical Education grants)
For questions please contact us at Canada.FundingRequest@cslbehring.com.