Community Engagement
Building our support system in meaningful ways
We are committed to saving lives and improving the quality of life for patients with rare and serious diseases around the globe. And often, part of that quality of life means connecting with others so patients don't feel alone. CSL Behring actively works with patient organizations to develop unique programs and activities for patients with rare diseases. We've also applied our deep understanding of our patients and their families to create our own programs. Beyond building that sense of empowerment and community, we partner with these groups to improve and expand educational and outreach efforts about these diseases. And finally, we work tirelessly with government authorities to explain the unique needs of the rare disease community in an effort to help them see beyond the costs to the real value our therapies provide, and to ensure patients have access to the care and therapies they need to lead a full and rewarding life. We work every day like someone's life depends on it -- because it often does.
Patient Organizations
HAE (Hereditary Angioedema Canada)
1081 Carling Ave. Suite # 408
Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4G2
Phone.: 613-761-8008
Email: info@haecanada.org
Website: haecanada.org
APIQ (Association des Patients Immunodeficients du Quebec)
2600 Boul. Laurier, bureau 880
Québec, QC, G1V 4W2
Phone: 1-855-561-4563
Email: info@cipo-apiq.ca
Website: cipo-apiq.ca/en/
AOH (Angio-Oedeme Hereditaire du Quebec)
2600 boul. Laurier Suite 880
Quebec, Quebec, G1V 4W2
Phone: 1 855 561-4563
Email: info@aohq.ca
Website: aohq.ca/en
GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada
3100 Garden St, PO Box 80060 RPO Rossland Garden
Whitby, Ontario L1R 1H0
Phone: 647-560-6842
Email: dhartlen@gbscidp.ca
Website: gbscidp.ca
ImmUnity Canada
ImmUnity Canada
206-645 Fort Street
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 1G0
Email: info@immunitycanada.org
Website: immunitycanada.org
CHS (Canadian Hemophilia Society)
301-666 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3A 1E7
Phone: 1-800-668-2686
Email: chs@hemophilia.ca
Website: hemophilia.ca/